Monday, April 25, 2011

Acer ESB in the bottle

Last week we bottled the Acer ESB. 44 bottles are now aging in the basement, awaiting there new labels. I tried a little of what was leftover and am quite thrilled with the result. I am hopeful that the finished product only continues to improve.

The priming sugar was one cup of the Somerlots stellar maple syrup - the best I've tasted yet!

The sap on it's way to being the base for the brew - all 6 or so gallons. It was pretty cool how it froze into a hollow cylinder.

This weekend we also tried the farmhouse cheddar I made a few months ago with a gallon of milk from Wake Robin and Wegmans each. It turned out very mild, but still was a recognizable cheese. Next time I will let it age longer (much longer) and also be more precise in getting the whey out. I think it was too wet.


Chris said...

Is that first pic the label?

I think you should look into what makes cheese bitter. That is always my problem.

Unknown said...

Yes, indeed. I haven't printed them yet but will be soon. The bitterness in the beer is a problem, although I didn't really notice it too much. I wonder if it has something to do with the residual whey. I'll check into it for sure.

Chris said...

You are getting your food products mixed up. But you are right your cheese was not that bitter, I just don't know if aging adds or takes away "bite".